Trying stuff so you don't have to.

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Hello and thank you for visiting my blog! This is where I will share some of the fun and exciting projects I have been working on, the newest updates of my popular tiny11/10 projects, and also some random stuff that I find interesting or noteworthy.

Windows experiments, tutorials, and challenges.

  • The official and complete tiny10 and tiny11 list

    We’ve all been there: you have decided to give tiny10/tiny11 a try, but you are confused about all the variants and names and links and whatnot. Let’s fix that! In this article you’ll find everything that you need to know about every available tiny10 and tiny11 build, complete with official links and for whom is […]

  • How to build your own tiny11 – THE definitive guide on how to create the perfect lightweight windows image

    Remember when Windows used to be a dependable and straight-to-the-point operating system? Well, it still is pretty dependable, but if the system requirements of Windows 11 tell us something, it’s that Windows has become quite big. This is somewhat to be expected, as there are lots more new and advanced technologies in Windows 11 than […]

  • State of the Windows: How many layers of UI inconsistencies are in Windows 11?

    Hello and happy new year! It’s 2023, and Windows 11 is finally a mature operating system that most people would be happy to use. Sun Valley has finally arrived, and it’s all about a long overdue reinvestment in design under Panos Panay’s leadership. But is it enough?Let’s take a look. For the purpose of this […]

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If you went this far down this website, you are awesome! Thank you so much for supporting my work and finding it valuable. You make me happy and motivated to keep creating more. If you feel generous and want to express your gratitude, you can donate through any of these links:, or I really appreciate it!

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