Trying stuff so you don't have to.


Hi there! This is my story.

Ever since I first got a computer, I was fascinated by them. And because something always broke in it, I had to learn how to fix it by myself. This taught me a lot of stuff (although I’m well aware that my knowledge is just the tip of the iceberg).

I started the NTDEV channel in April 2020, when I was in quarantine, and, as everyone else, I got bored. So I began working on my first video, where I upgraded every build of Windows. It took me about 400 hours. (for real!)

I chose the NTDEV name for two reasons: 1. I know that NTDEV is one of the Microsoft corporate domains, along with REDMOND and others, and 2. Ever since I watched MajorSky17’s series, called Windows on Windows (where he showcases builds of Windows) I developed this habit of naming my VMs NTDEV, just like he does. And that’s pretty much about it.

I don’t consider myself an expert or even in the position of giving advice. I try to be as helpful as I can when someone asks me something, but this doesn’t mean that my opinions are infallible. I’m just a high school student who wants to learn more about computers.

Anyways, enough talking! I hope you enjoy my blog!

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